6 Simple Things You Can Do To Improve Your Dog's Life
As a pet owner, you naturally want your furry companion to have the best life possible. But with so much information out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. To help, we have compiled a list of simple and practical tips to enhance your pup's life without spending too much. From daily exercise to mental stimulation and a safe and comfortable living environment, read on to discover some practical ways to improve your dog's quality of life.
Provide Your Dog With Daily Exercise
Regular exercise is important for your dog’s overall well-being, both mentally & physically. Overweight dogs are at an increased risk of developing health issues such as arthritis, heart disease and diabetes. A lack of exercise can also cause boredom and frustration.
Giving them Dietary Supplements
Dog food alone may not meet all your dog's health requirements. Giving your dog supplements helps with your pet’s overall health and longevity. When you have a dog with special medical needs such as digestive issues, joint pain, gum disease, skin disease, issues with fur or anxiety, supplements & vitamins can be a great way to help your dog live a happy, healthy and active lifestyle.
Keep Your Dog Mentally Stimulated
Keep your dog mentally stimulated by adding in some interactive plays and games every day, such as teaching him or her a new trick, playing some nose work games and letting your dog sniff around on walks. Playing with puzzle toys keeps your dog active and reduces boredom. Some toys even reward them with treats!
Make Training More Fun For Your Dog
Make training more enjoyable by switching up the rewards, using plenty of praise, and keeping your sessions short & sweet so you the training is more fun for you and your dog.
Be Consistent & Fair With Rules
Having clear rules and boundaries will ensure your dog knows exactly what’s expected of him or her. If they’re not allowed to do something (such as jumping on the couch) make sure everyone in the family sticks to that rule.
Give Your Dog a Routine
With a daily routine they’ll feel more secure knowing when meal time is, when they get to go outside, when they get to play, and when their daily walk will be.