5 Things Your Senior Dog Will Thank You For Doing

There’s no denying that having a senior dog is hard work. There are a lot of physical and mental challenges associated with growing older as a dog, so the last thing you want to do is add to your dog’s stress. But that’s exactly what happens when we don’t make the necessary accommodations for our aging friends. In addition to making sure your senior dog has plenty of opportunities to move about without putting strain on his body, there are a few small things you can do daily that will have a huge impact on how content and happy he feels in his golden years.
1. Make Daily Walks a Priority
The single most important thing you can do for your senior dogs is to make sure they get their daily walks. Just like people, dogs who walk regularly are less likely to develop health problems associated with aging. For example regular exercise supports your dog’s cardiovascular health. Before you head out, remember that your senior dog will probably be less mobile than he used to be, so you’ll want to make sure that he isn’t overdoing it. If he’s having trouble keeping up, you may want to consider making the walk shorter than usual.
2. Don’t Forget the Grooming
Your senior dog’s coat, skin, and fur all go through a lot of changes as he ages. One of the things you might notice is that his coat becomes dry and brittle, which makes grooming almost a necessity. Your dog’s coat is a big part of his ability to regulate his body temperature, and dry, brittle fur can make regulating his body temperature more challenging. Make grooming a part of your daily routine for your aging dog, and be sure to use a conditioner on his coat to keep it healthy and hydrated.
3. Keep A Supply of Fresh Water at Hand
One of the common things with senior dogs is increased water intake. As dog's age, their kidneys do not function as efficiently as when they were younger which can be the reason for the additional water intake. To prevent dehydration make sure that your dog always has access to fresh, clean water. This can help him stay hydrated and healthy.
4. Add a Soft Bed for Extra Comfort
As your dogs age, their joints may begin to ache. That’s normal, but it can make them uncomfortable and less willing to move when you’re trying to play. A great way to help your dogs feel better is to add a soft bed to their environment. This can help to alleviate any joint pain that your dogs may be experiencing, making them more willing to move about when you want to play. It can also be a great place for them to rest when he’s feeling a little under the weather.
If your dog is experiencing joint pain, you can also try supplementing his diet with one of our products.
5. Don’t Forget the Vet Visit
As your senior dog ages, his doctor’s visits are going to become more frequent. This is a good thing, though. It’s important to monitor your dog’s health regularly as he ages, especially in the early stages. If you notice any changes in your dog’s behaviour or physical appearance, or if you notice that he’s not as active as he used to be, make sure that you visit the vet.